This past Met Monday, I took you on a Christmas Home Tour through Tricia's lovely, historic, Victorian cottage. During the tour, I teased you with a glimpse of her tablescape and I promised to share it with you for Tablescape Thursday. Were you wondering what the curved white object was...the one just visible in the pic below?
It's her beautiful centerpiece...a lovely Christmas swan. Tricia, if you see this, please leave a comment and tell us more about your swan centerpiece.
Tricia actually had two beautiful tablescapes awaiting her guests. I would be hard pressed to pick a favorite...loved them both! I'm crazy about her brown and white transferware!
She cleverly used her beautiful ironstone/creamware collection as a centerpiece. I wish I could have taken some closeups, but on these tours, there just isn't any time for close-ups. (Click on the pic to enlarge for a better view.)
I think I know what we are having for dessert...just look what I found in Tricia's kitchen. :-) Sinful, totally sinful...and I LOVE it! :-) To see more of Tricia's beautiful home, click HERE to view that post.
I took pics whenever I could...but unfortunately, picture taking wasn't allowed in all the homes. Pretty much every home on the tour had a tablescape in the dining room. This beautiful table setting with a "Twelve Days of Christmas" theme, awaited us in another home on the tour.
Love the pear place card holders. Do you see the long mirror used in the centerpiece? It really magnifies the sparkle of the lights.
A view from the end...I think this is probably the "Partridge in a Pear Tree" salad plate...
Similar view as above, but I captured a bit of the wonderfully decorated chandelier...
A tablescape in one of the other homes on the tour...sorry about the blurriness. Since part of the tour was a "candlelight" tour, the homes were often dimly, I had to hurry along to avoid holding folks up. Sorry to keep whining, but these blurry pics are killing me. (LOL) Isn't the centerpiece wonderful?
Here's a little close up of the figural napkin rings used in the above tablescape.
A casual breakfast room tablescape in another one of the homes on the tour...cute way to display the flatware.
As we wrap up the Christmas season, I have a few more holiday tablescapes to share. Toni graciously shared a few pics of her beautiful table setting. Love the mugs and the plaid napkins!

Each guest received a Christmas cookie cutter to take home. :-) Darling salad plates!

Close-up of her whimsical centerpiece with a mouse on an acorn sled...adorable! :-)

Toni, thanks so much for sharing your Christmas tablescape!
Bonnie shared several of her beautiful tablescapes from Christmases past...

Cute ornament place card holders...

China is Christmastime by Nikko...

Darling centerpiece...has to be Fitz and Floyd!

Bonnie can do whimsical and she can do elegant! This icey tablescape matches the icey sleet that's falling outside my window right now...

Stunning! Even her flatware has that snowy, icey feel...

Love the silver chargers and the napkin rings...

A whimsical candle holder...don't the candles look like real ornaments?!

Bonnie and I share a love for Lenox, Winter Greetings china. She created two different tablescapes with this pattern...note the centerpiece in this tablesetting with the green damask napkins...

I'm so coveting these plaid chargers...

And here's a completely different look with the same china...

Pretty red napkins and champagne flutes...

Bonnie, thanks for sharing your wonderful tablescapes!